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Last updateMon, 15 Jun 2020 10pm

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Artist in Residence: Sarah Nesbit

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Artist's return a plus for Peoria

The passion for art had humble beginnings in Peoria for artist Sarah Nesbit. In high school, she became a fixture in the music scene, especially at the VFW and Skate Park where she discovered that some form of art would one day become her life's obsession.

When she wasn't attending musical performances in unassuming places, she was in...


From the trenches: Wedding photography can be fun – and frustrating

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Weddings are about gowns and flowers, rings and receptions, honeymoons and memories, and helping make the memories last is the job of wedding photographers.

It’s a fun and frustrating, tense and tender task, according to two Peoria-area photographers, one a 45-year-old now out of the business and the other a 29-year-old still busy with brides, portraits and more.

Often, the most memorable moments are unplanned, says Christopher...


Movie review: "Life of Pi" is Oscar-worthy

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(127 minutes; rated "PG" for intense drama)

(9 out of 10 stars)


By Tim Wyman

Given there has been some doubt, I am happy to report that the Oscar season is alive and well, and Ang Lee's new movie "The Life of Pi" has jumped to the head of its class.

Based upon the 2002 novel by Yann Martel of the same name, the plot is a fascinating and gripping...


Peoria Made Personal: Mary Ellen Ulrich

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Mary Ellen Ulrich is a transplant to Peoria, being a native of Quincy. But today she believes she owes her happiness — and her life — to all that is available in Peoria.

"A year ago today we weren't sure how much longer I was going to be around," said Ulrich during an interview a few weeks before Christmas. "If it wasn't for the doctors and the great facilities we have here in Peoria, I don't think I would be here right now." Read more...

Movie review: "Skyfall" is Bond at its best

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(8 out of 10 stars)

143 minutes, Rated PG-13 for language, violence, and adult situations.

"Skyfall" is everything that a James Bond movie is suppose to be — and then some.

Don't for a second think you're getting an Academy Award-nominated film-in-waiting here. There's no intricate plot, no deep character development, or complex dialogue anywhere to be found. But with "Skyfall" being the 23rd official...


New Downstate Story available on web

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The latest edition of Downstate Story, the yearly magazine that showcases writers from Illinois and the Midwest, is now available.

But for the first time in its 21-year history, Downstate Story — billed as Peoria's only literary magazine — has been published only electronically. It is available on the web at


Movie review: "Flight" may be a better rental

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(6 out of 10 stars)

138 minutes; rated "R" for drug use, nudity, adult themes, intense action scenes

To be honest, I didn't know what to think about Denzel Washington's new movie, "Flight", when I left the theater.  It certainly wasn't blow-me-out-of-the-seat great, but it held my attention for over two hours. When I analyze a movie, I realize I am one of those individuals who can thoroughly enjoy a movie...


Movie review: "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey"

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(170 minutes; rated "PG-13" for violence and intense action scenes.) 

(5 out of 10 stars)

Nothing is more exciting to us self-proclaimed sci-fi dorks than the thought of a return to Middle-Earth. I mean, it has been 10 years!

Peter Jackson's multiple award-winning and ground-breaking trilogy "The Lord of the Rings" from 2001-2003 was movie making at its finest. It had no deficiencies. It satiated...


For Me

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For me

The trees once green
and in between
transform before my eyes.
Their colors beckon me to look
until I'm mesmerized.
The oranges, reds, and yellows
explode with vibrancy.
And I'm convinced that every leaf
God painted just for me

by Anne Peterson
photo by Jessica Peterson

Anne Peterson is a poet, speaker, and published...