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Last updateMon, 15 Jun 2020 10pm

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Travel etiquette: What would you do?

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airetiquetteAs summertime temperatures begin to rise, air travel passengers' patience tends to wane – which can lead...


Wearables users say accuracy most important feature

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wearablesA recent national survey on wearable technology devices ("wearables") revealed that consumers consider accuracy the...


FDA announces updated nutrition labels

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FDA logoOn Friday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration took a major step in making sure consumers have updated nutritional...


A half century together, at home and at work

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maushards1Jerry Maushard laughs when he talks about the time he met Sam Walton and was offered a job that would have put him on the ground floor of the Walmart chain. He evens chuckles when he talks about the fortune that got away when he turned down that job.

But he also is the first to admit...


Knowing dog's body language may prevent bites

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With 4.5 million Americans bitten by dogs annually, a record number of attacks on letter carriers and soaring insurance claims, it is clear that dog bites cut deep.


What's the reason for the strong chemical smell of a pool? You sure you want to know?

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 Kid Swimming PoolAs Americans jump into another fun-filled summer of swimming, a new survey finds that most don't...


More Than 1 Billion People Will Be Involved in Earth Day

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ThisEarth Day,April 22, more than one billion people in 192 countries will take action to protect our shared environment. 


Prepare for extreme heat

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americas prepareathon for extreme heat 4 512X2882015 was the second of two back-to-back years of record heat, and 2016 looks...


Homes with certain design elements sell faster

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subwaytilesWhy do some homes sell for a premium? In addition  Read more...