If you want your 2012 resolution
to be successful make sure you
focus on one resolution vs creating
a long list of resolutions. Secondly,
if you want to achieve your
resolution make sure you value
your resolution, have ways to
reward small steps toward success
and make your resolution realistic
and achievable.
Remember, resolutions are about
new beginnings, and having some
control in your life-- so create that
new beginning by maximizing your
potential for success.
Happy New Year... may it be
filled with laughter, love, health
and well-being.
10. Getting organized:
at home or at work, this
resolution rates high on most
people’s “to-do” list.
9. Help others:
Many people
commit to doing more for
their family, their place of
worship or their community.
Volunteering always rates
high on resolution charts.
8. Learning something new:
Lots of people want to en-
hance and broaden their lives
in the coming year, whether
it’s taking up a new hobby,
learning a computer program
or going back to school.
7. Getting out of debt:
lions have struggled with the
economic situation and this
year, like years before, more
and more people are creating
new cost cutting resolutions
for 2012.
6. Quit drinking:
Whether it’s
completely giving up alcohol
or drugs or cutting back, this
one tops many American’s
lists. Remember there is help
from AA, local addiction
facilities or even counselors
who can help with your goals.
5. Enjoying life:
This means liv-
ing more in the moment and
spending more time doing
what you love. Life is chaotic
and more and more Ameri-
cans are making choices to
cut back on work hours and
increasing their leisure time
and personal time.
4. Quit smoking:
This habit
generally is addressed at the
beginning of each new year.
There are lots of community
groups and campaigns that
are prevalent each year in
January, so maybe this year
you can elicit some help to
3. Lose weight:
66% of Ameri-
cans are overweight, so you
can guess that losing weight
is high on most resolution
lists. Setting reasonable goals
and staying focused are two
assets for weight loss. Try
getting support from friends
or weight loss programs.
2. Being fit:
This is different
than the last resolution and
more and more Americans
are noting this choice. Being
fit means exercising more,
eating healthier food and
making better food choices.
Obviously these things will
increase weight loss, but the
goal is being more fit.
1. Spending more time with
friends and family:
polls show Americans really
do want to have more time
with those they love whether
it’s going out to movies,
spending time at the dinner
table together, or just laugh-
ing with friends. The key to
success is making the time
for your number one prior-
ity. It’s all about committing
to your goal and sticking to
Here’s the 10 most common resolutions...
Joy Miller, Ph.D., is an internation-
ally known licensed psychothera-
pist, trainer and author. She is
the founder and president of Joy
Miller & Associates.
Contact her at (309) 693-8200 or
The Present