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Whether it’s a poetic illusion
or a reality, there are some
biological and mental health
changes that occur for most
Americans at this time of the
year. Here are some tips that can
cement the change and carry us
into an empowering spring.
• Focus on the new beginnings.
No matter what is happening
in your life, you can always
find an aspect that you can
influence to create a change.
Start today to create the life
you desire.
• New beginnings begin with
your mindset. Spring fever is
powerful because it marks a
change in thinking and within
your belief system. If you
believe something will happen,
the possibility for seeing what
you desire increases. Opening
your mind to “the potential” is
the key to success.
• Focus on gratitude. Those who
are grateful tend to see life
in an optimistic framework.
Spring tends to offer beauty,
fresh images, sights, sounds,
and smells that can awake our
gratitude. Slow down and take
in your surroundings.
• Reach out. If you are feeling
down and can’t seem to break
the hold, then reach out to
someone around you. There is
a possibility for a change, but
you must take the first step
to move out of the darkness.
Remember that there are many
trained professionals who can
assist you in your life journey.
• Spring fever opens our
hearts. Don’t waste this
time of increased energy
and enthusiasm… use your
openness to open the lines of
communication with those you
love. Spring fever isn’t just for
new lovers… it is for everyone
who opens their heart to
“In the spring a young man’s fancy
lightly turns to thoughts of love”
- Tennyson