Page 59 - The Peorian Vol 2 Issue 3

Student Story
andle light, horse drawn
carriages and no tele-
phone, how could you
have foreseen to make rules that
could create laws for cars, planes
and electronics? For this you have
my unending gratitude.
With a quill and an inkwell
you created a document that
formed the greatest nation on
earth. You set up guidelines that
shaped the way America is today.
With them, we have grown into
a strong nation of doers and
achievers who are forging a path
for the entire world to follow.
With your foresight and big-
picture thinking you laid out the
goals and guidelines of a govern-
ment that could very well last
for a thousand years or more; a
government that had no one ruler
and made sure that no one group
could seize too much power.
You created three branches of
government to deal with all the
problems laid out before any
nation, without allowing anyone
to seize too much power and
destroy this nation.
With your Bill of Rights you
protected the freedom and indi-
viduality of every man, woman
and child that lived and lives
in this great nation. The people
of our nation took this freedom
and used it to build good lives
for themselves and the people
around them.
The possibility to also make
more amendments gave us the
possibility to grow and develop
as a nation in changing times.
The state and federal govern-
ments exist in near perfect
harmony and each can take care
of their own affairs in quick and
effective ways.
I would like to also thank you
for learning from your mistakes,
such as realizing that the Articles
of Confederation were too weak
and then creating something
great, the Constitution. I’d like
to congratulate you on having
the guts to write change, even
though it was not a popular deci-
sion at the time.
Your efforts to create a strong
nation were a success. Today we
live in peace and prosperity and
thrive as a country. Every prob-
lem that has been laid before us
has been overcome with the help
of the government you created.
Most of all, I want to say thank
you for all the hard works and
big-picture thinking that made us
the way we are today.
God bless America!
Each issue The Peorian will reprint
original stories written by area stu-
dents to showcase their talents and
encourage them to keep writing. We
encourage teachers and students to
send us stories to editor@thepeorian.
com. Parental permission is required
before we will reprint a story.
This issue, since it includes
President’s Day, we feature a
commentary by Carsten Boast, an 8th
grade student at Germantown Hills
Middle School.
by Carsten Boast