Continued from page 23
That’s pretty much the theory
behind Cross Fit training, as
well. For sure you won’t find
sophisticated exercise equipment
in a Cross Fit facility; rather,
you’re likely to see a large tractor
tire, some rope that is just starting
to show signs of fraying and bare
wooden boxes. There will also
likely be a row of bars attached
to one wall and some kettlebells
lying on the floor among various
types of balls.
All in all it more likely
resembles a garage than a gym;
at least that’s the case at CrossFit
309. That’s how owners Palkovic
and Crick like it.
“We’re no frills here, for sure.
CrossFit training is all about
functional movements of the
different parts of the body,
constantly varied and with
high intensity. Machines are
mostly unfunctional in that they
only work a limited number of
muscles and joints. Life is not like
that,” Palkovic said.
CrossFit training, he said,
“is all multi-jointed, the way
our own body is designed.
That’s why it is great training
for firefighters or others in jobs
where they don’t know what
kind of physical demands may
come up.
The daily routine is anything
but routine, Palkovic said. The
exercise regimen changes daily
and is written out on a dry
erase board for CrossFit 309
members to see when they come
in. Varying the workouts like
that, he said, “causes muscle
confusion, which is good because
it keeps the muscles from getting
into a routine.”
A regimen will combine
components of calisthenics,
such as pushups and squat
thrusts, with aerobics and
weight training, including dead
lifts. Except the weights will be
kettlebells or shoving the big
tractor tire around the floor.
Flexibility is important to avoid
minor injuries, Palkovic said.
“We never repeat a workout.
Keeping it varied can push
you as well as give you a sense
of accomplishment when you
complete it. It’s harder, perhaps,
and it is intense, but our
philosophy is you have to build a
foundation before you can build
a house. Intensity is a shortcut to
results,” he said.
One of the first things a
CrossFit 309 member learns
with any exercise is the proper
technique, which then must
demonstrated to the trainer.
Get FitӔ
CrossFit 309