Otherwise, Palkovic said, injuries
are likely. “You may watch
somebody do a certain exercise
and think it looks simple, but I
promise you it is not,” he said.
Diet and nutrition are
important in CrossFit training,
as well. “We always say that you
can’t out-train a bad diet. I don’t
know who said it first, but it’s
true,” Palkovic said.
He advocates what he called
“the caveman diet.” That doesn’t
mean finding a wild boar to
slay and eat over an open fire. It
means eating natural foods only,
foods without preservatives.
“People are amazed when
they really look into some of the
preservatives that are put in our
food. Then they’re amazed when
they taste the difference between
that and all natural food,” he
Still, Cross Fit doesn’t have its
own diet plans for members to
follow. “We will give nutritional
advice if people ask for it, but
mostly we just say to eat healthy
and find a diet plan that works
for you,” he said.
The Present