The Peorian


Last updateMon, 15 Jun 2020 10pm

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Peoria's Catholic High Schools: 150 years of Memories and Tradition

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Peoria's Catholic community celebrates 150 years of high school education in 2013.

The pride and tradition established through years has been passed down for four or five generations now. Even if you went to Spalding Institute, the Academy of Our Lady, Bergan High School or Peoria Notre Dame, graduates feel the sense of unity of being fortunate enough to have had the academic opportunities of private education, the network of life-long...


Yes They Said That... Qoutes from Famous Peorians: Dave Leitch

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"I was able to work with the business leadership and with Mayor Carver – a very strong, innovative, and effective leader – and a strong city council to accomplish the downtown Peoria plan and then help implement the plan. It was very challenging and at times difficult. It was also exhilarating to work on the Civic Center, the location of the Peoria School of Medicine, and all the projects that were accomplished in the 70s, which laid a base...