The Peorian


Last updateMon, 15 Jun 2020 10pm

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Professional Truck Drivers Dole Out Extra Serving of Thanksgiving Safety Tips

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truckers logoAmerican Trucking Associations and ATA's Share the Road highway safety program have offered life-saving driving...


Drive carefully this holiday weekend

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NSC logoThe 

Celebration vacations gain in popularity: AARP

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aarplogoTaking a Celebration Vacation has become a popular way to celebrate special milestones in life like anniversaries,...


Travel etiquette: What would you do?

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airetiquetteAs summertime temperatures begin to rise, air travel passengers' patience tends to wane – which can lead...


Survey shows American less worried about recession; need a vacation

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CHICAGO /PRNewswire/ -- Americans appear ready to move on from worrying about the recession and one thing seems clear: they need a vacation.

mintellogoMintel's annual comparative audit report, "American Lifestyles 2014," suggests that renewed consumer spending is in line with pre-recession trends and consumer optimism is higher than it's been in years.

In 2013,...


Illinois tourism had record year in 2014; Peoria region saw growth

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enjoy illinois2It was another record-setting year for tourism in Illinois and new initiatives in place this year has state and local tourism officials excited about 2015 and beyond.

The message brought to Peoria on Wednesday by the Illinois Office of Tourism was nothing but positive,...


Become 'backyard tourists,' win prizes

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Five Peoria attractions are offering incentives to get area residents to visit and become “backyard tourists” during the first two weeks of May.



Do pre-trip vehicle check before hitting the road

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carbreakdown3If you are hitting the road this Memorial Day weekend, you will have lots of company. With millions of...


Selling love: The travel industry

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From Pampering to Adventuring, Romance is Important to Travelers

When one thinks of a romantic trip for two to some exotic locale, elephants don’t exactly come to mind.

“You’d be surprised what people want and what they consider romantic,” said Mary Seaton, vice president of Suzi Davis Travel and general manager of the agency’s Peoria office, who told of booking a romantic trip for two to Thailand so...


Sun and warmth winning out for spring vacations

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AAAlogoAs snow and cold continues in many parts of the country, travelers are ready to escape to warmer weather...