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Last updateMon, 15 Jun 2020 10pm

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Difficult Decisions Ahead for Peoria City Council

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Let your voice be heard as Peoria City Council tackles difficult decisions to balance our budget by taking our poll. 

The City of Peoria currently has a budget gap of over $40 million. Everyone agrees they should try to cut expenses at City Hall but that doesn’t provide nearly enough savings. Where should the city look first to address its budget issues?

These are not easy choices to be made. So far the Peoria City Council have made small strides toward cutting expenses, but the large ones loom ahead. Let's give helpful feedback to our elected officials as to what we feel are the correct next steps. 

Everyone agrees none of these are what we want to be facing right now, but choices need to be made and we are asking you to vote your opinion. We will share the results of our poll with the Council to help with their decisions.

Tell us what you think - we will share the results with you and Peoria City Council. Please only residents of the City of Peoria participate.

Take Our Poll