The Peorian


Last updateMon, 15 Jun 2020 10pm

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Daddy's Acting Funny

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Daddy's actin' funny 'cause it's Christmas time again;
For weeks he hasn't shaved the pure white whiskers from his chin;
His cheeks are getting rosy and his hair's turned snowy white;
And he brought home a big black pair of boots the other night.

Now Daddy has to leave, but he'll be back on Christmas Day;
For some odd reason I don't know, he always goes away
Just 'fore Santa gets to our house every Christmas Eve.
That's why I think my daddy might have something up his sleeve.

Daddy's getting chubby, but he's jolly as can be;
And when he laughs, his belly shakes; it's quite a sight to see.
And when his eyes get heavy, and Daddy starts to doze,
He mumbles in his sleep about a reindeer and a nose.

Now Daddy dropped a letter (guess his pocket has a hole);
It was addressed to Santa Claus, in care of the North Pole.
I don't know where it came from, but I know come Christmas dawn,
Daddy's boot prints will be mixed with funny hoof prints on our lawn.

Now I don't know what's going on, and Mommy will not say,
But Daddy's beard will be coal black again come Christmas Day;
And I'll watch Mommy help him shave the whiskers from his chin.
Yep, Daddy's actin' funny 'cause it's Christmas time again.

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