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Last updateMon, 15 Jun 2020 10pm

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Fine Art Fair is this weekend

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The 51st Annual Peoria Fine Art Fair, which recently was ranked among the top 100 art fairs in the United States, will be Saturday and Sunday on Peoria's Riverfront.

The fair will bring together the "eclectic artwork" of 150 national and international artists to the Midwest, with thousands expected to attend the event at The Gateway Building. The fair will be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days.

The fair, said the Peoria Art Guild, "presents Peoria with a rare opportunity to meet and interact with nationally recognized artists from around the globe."

The artists represent 30 states and four countries, including Canada, Argentina and Israel, and their works include paintings in oil, watercolor and pastels, drawings, photography, jewelry, ceramics, wood, glass and mixed media, among others.

The fair also will include an interactive community art mural, a children's art corner, live music and entertainment along with local food.

Admission will be $5 a day or $7 for the weekend, or five tickets for $20. Kids under 12 will be admitted free.

The Art Guild said the Peoria fair was listed as one of the Top 100 Best Fine Art and Design Shows in the United States by Sunshine Artist Magazine in its September issue.

"This nationally recognized honor is a testament to the hard work put behind this annual Fine Art Fair by the Peoria Art Guild staff, community sponsors, committee members, and Peoria area volunteers," the Guild said in a news release. "Additionally, this honor showcases the level of quality the Peoria Fine Art Fair exudes and the exemplary craftsmanship of the artists that attend."

More than 600 volunteers, 30 committee members, staff and board work to prepare and run the fair each year.

For more on the Peoria Fine Art Fair visit: or find us on Facebook at Peoria Fine Art Fair!