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Last updateMon, 15 Jun 2020 10pm

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Peoria Symphony hosts Sarah Chang

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With a world-renowned violinist as guest artist, the Peoria Symphony Orchestra officially opens its 2014-15 season Saturday at the Peoria Civic Center.

Violinist Sarah Chang will open the season, the Symphony’s 117th at 8 p.m. in the Civic Center Theatre.

The 2014-2015 Peoria Symphony Orchestra (PSO) concert season is marked by outstanding guest artists including “world-artists,” favorite composers, innovative programming and increased focus on community outreach, according to a PSO release. Music Director George Stelluto said he is “most excited by the upcoming 2014-2015 season as it represents everything the PSO should be – an inspiring musical feast that is both gourmet and comfort food for the ears!” 

Chang will joins the Symphony for Dvorák’s Violin Concerto, described as “a work filled with Bohemian high spirits, particularly in the folk-dance-inspired finale.” It will end with Symphony No.1 by Brahms, “his magnificent debut as a symphony composer, and a work whose composition spanned nearly a quarter of a century.” 

A 7 p.m. pre-concert lecture is an opportunity for the audience to learn more about the music. Stelluto will be the lecturer. There will be a complimentary audience appreciation reception after the concert. 

Chang is recognized as one of the world’s great violinists. Since her debut with the New York Philharmonic at the age of 8 she has performed with the greatest orchestras, conductors and accompanists internationally in a career spanning more than two decades.  In 2012, she will have recorded exclusively for EMI Classics for 20 years.   

In 2006, she was honored as one of 20 Top Women in Newsweek Magazine’s “Women and Leadership, 20 Powerful Women Take Charge” issue.  In 2008, she was honored as a Young Global Leader for 2008 by the World Economic Forum for her professional achievements, commitment to society and potential in shaping the future of the world.

Founded in 1897, the PSO was named 2013 Professional Orchestra of the Year by the Illinois Council of Orchestras was awarded the prestigious ASCAP Award at the League of American Orchestra’s National Convention and recently received the All American City Award presented by the Peoria Chamber of Commerce.    

The PSO is the 14th oldest symphony in the U.S. and has been under the direction of Stelluto since 2010.  Comprised of musicians from throughout Illinois, the orchestra’s mission is to be a leading cultural force with an influence that reaches beyond the region as a national model of community innovation, music education and collaboration. 

Tickets start at $38 for adults and are only $11 for students. They may be purchased by visiting the PSO box office, 101 State Street in Peoria, or by calling (309) 671-1096 or online at 

Season tickets also are on sale and include a Pick-Four subscription. Prices for the full package vary according to seat location. Also, new season ticket subscribers or those who have not subscribed in five or more years may get season tickets at half price.


About the Author
Paul Gordon is the editor of The Peorian after spending 29 years of indentured servitude at the Peoria Journal Star. He’s an award-winning writer, raconteur and song-and-dance man. He also went to a high school whose team name is the Alices (that’s Vincennes Lincoln High School in Indiana; you can look it up).