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Last updateMon, 15 Jun 2020 10pm

Back You are here: Home Forum Theatre Reviews How To Install And Setup Netflix On Xbox 360 Gaming Console?
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In the app store, you need to download Netflix app if you are signed into your Xbox. Click on download, wait for it to install and then open the app. Now inside the app, you can either sign up or login. Login is for those who have an id on Netflix before.

A single id can also be logged into multiple devices. So if you have a device say a smartphone in which you have a Netflix, you do not need to buy a different connection for your home TV. Signing up will require giving your details and credentials. Just enter them and then you can enter your payment details.

Netflix is free for the first month across all platforms. Your recommendations will change based on what you will see. You can also get Netflix on your TV, which is quite a simple process. But, if you encounter any problem, then you can take Netflix TV help from


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