The Peorian


Last updateMon, 15 Jun 2020 10pm

Back You are here: Home Forum Peoria Lists India's top taxation software for GST, ITR & TDS filing for free
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File income tax return online with TaxRaahi ITR software free. TaxRaahi is free, fast and reliable. Efile ITR1, ITR2, ITR3, ITR4, business and presumptive income. Excel import, multi-user, error check & other features.

File [URL=""]TDS Return[/URL] online free with TaxRaahi software. Generate Form 16, Traces import, 24Q, 26Q, 26EQ, Pan verification & FVU generation features.

File GST return free with TaxRaahi [URL=""]GST software[/URL]. File GSTR1, GSTR 2, GSTR3 and all other GST returns. Features include Multi-user management, Excel import, easy reconciliation & direct return submission etc.

Submit [URL=""]Income Tax Return[/URL] or ITR online with TaxRaahi for free. TaxRaahi is free, fast and reliable. Efile taxes for income from salary, house property and capital gains.

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