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Deadline for Women Leader nominations May 5

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The deadline for nominations for the 2014 Women to Women Leader Awards is May 5, with the awards to be presented May 28.

The Women’s Fund of the Community Foundation of Central Illinois is accepting the nominations, which can be made online. Individuals, organizations or businesses that want to recognize a local woman can access the nomination form on the Community Foundation of Central Illinois website, Click on the Quick Link labeled “Women's Fund: Women to Women Leader Luncheon Award Nomination Form.”

The Women to Women Leader Luncheon Awards recognize women who have made a difference in our community, which includes the entire Tri-County area. Nominees must not be previous Leader Luncheon Award recipients.

Awards will be made in four categories. The categories and criteria include:


·         Business or Professionals Award: Criteria: Success in business, government, non-profit organizations or in a profession.

·         Education or Arts Award: Criteria: Leadership and an accomplished career in education or the arts.

·         Community Service Award: Criteria: Leadership and outstanding contributions to civic, charitable, religious or other    community activities.

·         Young Woman’s Service Award: A $500 scholarship will be awarded to a high school seniorgirlwho excels in leadership and community service.

The four women selected as the 2014 Women to Women Leader Luncheon Award winners will join a group of more than 200 notable women, each of whom has made a significant difference in central Illinois over the past 35 years and longer. A list of former recipients is included at the end of this release.

The awards will be presented during the 2014 Women to Women Leadership Awards Luncheon from noon to 1:30 p.m. May 28 at the Gateway Building, the foot of Hamilton Boulevard. Tickets for the luncheon are $45 each.

Reservations for the luncheon are being accepted at


Below is a list of past winners from 1978 through 2012. 

Veronica Aberle

Cybelle Abt*

Denise Adams

Pam Adams

Rita Ali

Elise Allen

Janet Allen

Lee Andersen

Raylana Anderson

Lee Anderson*

Mary Ardapple

Francesca Armmer

Duffy Armstrong

Becky Auer

Joyce Banks

Cookie Bannon

Lynn Barnett

Patricia A. Barton

Patti Bash

Ida Mae Bell*

Patricia Benassi

Chris Berto

Dorothy Bertschy

Terry Best

Terry Bibo

Carlotta Bielfeldt

Marcia Bolden

Mrs. Pearly Bonds

Suzette E. Boulais

Rebekah Bourland

Brigitte Brant

Leah Brooks

Carrie Bell Brown*

Laraine E. Bryson

Mary Buesing

Cheryl Bunn

Sandra Burke

Vera Burrus

Ellen Burton

Cathy Butler

Colleen Callahan

Lois Carver

Elissa Whitney Chapin

Renee Charles

Dr. Amy Christison

Helen Clark*

Elizabeth Cleaver

Sheryl Cohen

Esther Cohen

Dr. Susan Cole

Ruth E. Collins

Kath Conver

Jane B. Converse

Adelaide Cooley*

Mary Cooper

Gwen Daily

George Ann Danehower

Amanda Davis

Erma Moore Davis

Stacey DeJaynes

Joyce DeRenzy

Roberta Dietrich

Barbara Mantz Drake

Maureen Drew Cluskey

Sister Judith Ann Duvall

Joan Root Ericksen

Dr. Claire Etaugh

Dr. Alice Ferdinand

Patricia Ferguson

Cynthia Fischer

Ellen D. Foster*

Anne M. Fox

Joan Trenchard

French Martha Fritz

Patty Fuchs

Kathy Fuller

Irene Gaffney

Sister M. Canisia Gerlach

Audrey Bryant Gipson

Sally Givens

Dr. Joanne Glasser

Annie Jo Gordon

Jehan Gordon-Booth

Susan D. Gorman Robin

Graham Brigitte Grant

Donna Haerr

Carole Halicki

Diana Hall

Pamela Hall-Geiss

Dr. Lois Hamilton

Joyce Harant

E. Kay Harmon

Judy Harris-Helm

Dr. Barbara Hartnett

Sally Hasse*

Mary Haynes

Theresa Heidrich

Louise Heimann

Linda Henson*

Martha Herm

Dr Victoria Hineman

Rev. Albertine

Donna Hodges

Jada Hoerr

Carole Hoke

Sharon L. Holling

Jodi Holloway

Dallis Howard-Crow

Ernestine Jackson

Virginia Keller*

Janet Kelley

Theo Jean Kenyon

Dr. Beverly Ketel

Alice Kieser

Kimberly King

Dolores Klein

Joan Krupa

Marjorie LaFont

Frances “Pat” Landen*

Patricia S. Landes

Marilyn Leyland

Andrea Lister

Julie Lonteen

Channy Lyons

Judge Jerelyn Maher

Sister Cor Marie

Linda Martin

Jessica Martinez

Sister Frances Marie Masching*

Laura McCluggage*

Judith Kay McCord

Judge Mary McDade

Cynthia McKone

Linda Miller

Dr. Joy Erlichman Miller

Geraldine Mitchell

Janet Moran

Patti Morris

Maryann Morrison

Peg Murphy

Bonnie Noble

Mildredd Nunes*

Judith Oakford

Mary Oakley*

Diane Oberhelman

Sally Page*

Mary Jo Papich

Harriet Parkhurst*

Roberta M. Parks

Amy Paul-Cassulo

Sister Mary Ludgera Peiperbeck

Dr. Barbara Penelton

Mary Ann Penn

Aurthur May Perkins

Jacqueline Petty

Valeria Evans Pierce

Marilou Putman

Nancy Rakoff

Lorene Ramsey

Camille Ratcliff

Sharon Reed

Susan Rees

Debbie Ritschel

Shirley Rochman

Norma Rossi

Dr. Sara Rusch

Dr. Lori A. Russell-Chapin

Dr. Maude Sanders*

Dr. Joan Sattler

Dr. Kay Saving

Trina Schmidt

Dr. Joyce Shotick

Dr. Odette Shotwell*

Deborah R. Simon

Dorothy Sinclair

Carly Slagel

Juanita Slane*

Sally Snyder

Louise Stanley*

Vicky R. Stewart

Kelly Stickelmaier

Susie Stockman

Nita Sunderland

Patricia Talley

Kathryn Timmes

Sandra Traicoff

Marian Trumble

Mary Ellen Van Buskirk

Barbara VanAuken

Katie VandenBerg

Mary Jane West

Sherril K. West

Monica Vest Wheeler

Dr. Martha Willi

Michelle Williams

Lois Williamson*

Dr. Joyce Wise

Becky Wood

Dr. Maxine Wortham

Susan C. Wozniak

Jan Wright

Sue Yoder

Christine Zak-Edmonds

Catalina Zavala

* deceased


**No awards banquet was held in 2013. The YWCA was the previous host of these awards.