The Peorian


Last updateMon, 15 Jun 2020 10pm

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Peoria's Surprising Architecture: Part Two

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Upcoming issues of The Peorian will feature walking tours of Peoria's more interesting areas. This issue is the second of three parts about Downtown Peoria.

French explorers settled among the native peoples here in 1691 to start Illinois' oldest European settlement. The French villages here lasted for 120 years until the French and native peoples were forcibly removed by American soldiers...


Mt. Hawley Airport

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Runway expansion likely to lead to more business in future

To the naked eye and ear, the improvements ahead for Mount Hawley Airport on Peoria's northern edge probably won't be noticeable. The planes flying in won't look or sound much different than those using the city's second airport on a daily basis.

But the improvements, which will start with the extension of the...


Getting Well

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Wellness programs can help companies save money while they help their employees meet resolutions

While losing weight, improving fitness and quitting smoking are always among the top three New Year's resolutions for individuals, employers would be wise to help their workers meet those resolutions, health insurance brokers say.

The fewer obese and/or smoking employees a company...


Best Remodeling Projects for the Money

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Whether you have thoughts of selling your home in the spring or you just want to preserve your home's value there are specific remodeling projects that will give you the best return on your home improvement dollars.

Recent research in the 2011-12 Remodeling Cost vs. Value Report indicates that 42 percent of homeowners believe now is a good time to remodel — and that number jumps to 56 percent if the household income is $100,000-plus....


Get It Together!

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Having your financial house in order gives peace of mind, good prospects for future

Does anybody track where every dime of their money goes? Probably not, but getting a handle on where you spend your money is crucial to getting and keeping your financial house in order.

That's according to consumer credit experts who are preparing for the usual rush of clients that hits...