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Last updateMon, 15 Jun 2020 10pm

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Peoria’s All-America City video released! And you can help the city win!

AAC Group
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On Monday morning at the Peoria Riverfront Museum’s Giant Screen Theater, Peoria’s All-America City team released its video submission for the All-America City competition on June 14 in Denver, Colo. Over 250 people participated in the video, lip synching to Rod Stewart’s “Forever Young,” in various locations throughout the city.

The video is a critical part of the competition, which includes a 10-minute face-to-face presentation in Denver. The All-America City committee will consider how many YouTube “likes” the video receives leading up to the presentation. And those “likes” will count in the final scoring.

So here’s how you can get involved: like the video (on YouTube) and share it with other “like-minded” friends. It’s a small way to help Peoria be recognized once again as an All-American City.



About the Author
A Juilliard-trained writer, Kevin Kizer has fought against numerous world-champion writers during his career, besting the reigning middle weight writing champion in an exhibition bout in Helsinki in 1976. He also played a crucial role on the U.S. gold-medal winning writing team during the 1984 Pan-Am games, where he came off the bench in dramatic fashion to write the winning prepositional phrase just as time expired.