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Streight: A powerful secret to nailing a job interview

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Want to get that job? Want to know the single most powerful secret to nailing a job interview?

Even if you're not asked, explain how you would solve a typical problem that is related to the job. Or, even better, ask what one of their toughest problems is at the company at which you're applying.

If they won't tell you what a major problem is at the company, then say, "Well then, here's what I have observed to be a very common problem in this industry, one that is very difficult for most companies to solve."

Assert yourself, show some initiative, and say, "May I now tell you my thought process for solving the problem of __________________?"

Go into details about what you would do to solve a problem, how you would identify the real root of the problem, how you would test your hypothesis, how you would analyze what is wrong or lacking, and the steps you would take to fix it.

If you have actually solved a similar problem in the past, without revealing too much about the company you worked at talk about how you solved the problem there.

An anecdote about an actual problem-solving event is even better than a theoretical approach. But if you're young or new to the field, a theoretical approach, well thought out and well stated, is good too.

Tackle the problem and communicate to the interviewer the expertise you would bring to the situation. Explain how amateurs would handle it and what makes your approach better.

Also add, "You know what the biggest myths are about ________________?" or "Let me tell you what I see as the biggest mistakes people make in _____________." Explain why these are myths or mistakes and what the truth is.

I can almost guarantee no other job applicants will do anything like this. They'll be passive sheeple, just hoping they have memorized the "correct replies" to standard interview questions.

They probably won't show any initiative. They won't seize control of the interview and use it not as an interrogation of themselves, but as a platform to perform in a hypothetical situation.

See the job interview not as a scary event where you're being tested, but as an exciting opportunity, a stage on which you get to display your superior talents and knowledge.

Prove that you can handle the job. Have a blog that showcases your expertise so the interviewer can see more of your vast intelligence and skill.

Job seeking is war. You must win the war with advanced firepower and overwhelming gusto. You must out-maneuver your competing job seekers. This is one way to do it.

Companies aren't looking for employees to hand paychecks to; they're looking for problem solvers who will increase their revenue. Prove that you're a problem solver.

About the Author
Steven Streight is a man of many skills. He’s a talented writer, web content developer, internet marketing consultant and photographer. He’s a trustee on the Peoria Historical Society, a member of SCORE Peoria and the author of the Peoria technology history book, “Bicycle Fever.” In his downtime, he’s hangs out with his beloved Min Pin and tries to get some rest. Considering how involved he is in the community, it sounds like he could use as much as he can get.