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Doc Watson: Pro Bowl streaker - a double standard?

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I didn't watch the NFL's meaningless Pro Bowl game in Hawaii Sunday, aside from a few plays I saw at Crusens that night after our men's league hockey game. But I think all of my hockey mates would've watched had we seen a fitness gal streaking during the game.

I read the story about Katrina Torres, a fitness model, gym worker and former college soccer player who now lives in Hawaii, and her jog on the Pro Bowl field. She apparently got onto the field for about a minute and even chest bumped some players before being gently corralled. Deion Sanders, who was coaching one of the teams, went to bat for her on the field, telling the security guards and cops not to arrest her. I guess she did her streaking to honor her cousin Gary, who's paralyzed back in New Mexico.

So, I looked at the video and, yes, she's fit as can be. She's also wearing a bikini top and daisy duke shorts, while using the New Mexico flag as a cape — not what I would call streaking. As a former All League Streaker, my definition of streaking means running naked, maybe with a pair of gym shoes on, so let's call what she did football trespassing.

Also, I wonder if she was on the rough side of the attractiveness scale, would she have been allowed on the field that long, exchanging high fives and chest bumps. Would coach Deion Sanders have come to her rescue, saying something to the effect that if security arrested her, he'd just bail her out immediately anyway? All I know is that if a guy gets caught on the field, the announcers generally call him an idiot and players sometimes tackle them hard to the turf while the crowd roars its appreciation.

I'm not in any way opposed to super fit women; hey if you got it, flaunt it, be it boy or girl. This just seemed like a case of double standards. We know that good looking folks get treated differently in the everyday world and, it seems, in the fantasy world of the Pro Bowl, too.

About the Author
Doc Watson likes to say he's not a real doctor, "but I play one on the radio." A native of Allen Park, Mich., he became a transplanted Peorian in 1996 when he came here to start the Morning Mix TV/radio simulcast show. Now he's a jock with 95.5 GLO and is " happy to be playing the music of my misguided youth." Though known for his voice, he occasionally dabbles with the written word and does that pretty well, too.