The Peorian


Last updateMon, 15 Jun 2020 10pm

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Episode 7: Tracing history with the Peoria Historical Society

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An interview with Marilyn Leyland and Walter Ruppman of the Peoria Historical Society about upcoming events.

We introduce the show's topic, talk about the Peoria Historical Society and the Vintage Style Show, then introduce Marilyn Leyland and Walter Ruppman from the Society. We discuss other events the Historical Society puts on, including the Centenarian program that recognizes companies and organzations that have been around 100 years or more. Kevin Kizer, our literary and culinary guy, talks about classic short novels and the next Kizer: Party of Four. Leyland and Ruppman discuss revenue generating programs to help keep the Peoria Historical Society self-sufficient, including new "museums without walls" programs.
