The Peorian


Last updateMon, 15 Jun 2020 10pm

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Episode 11: The Peorian Projects: What we're up to

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tv11 thumb julierussellAn interview with Julie Russell, founder and CEO of The Peorian, about the events The Peorian is hosting in the next few weeks.


Episode 10: Here Comes Santa Claus!

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tv10 thumb stockmanAn interview with Susie Stockman, a member of the board at Peoria Area Community Events and chair of the annual Santa Claus Parade.


Episode 6: Women's Lifestyle Show, a Conversation with Joy Miller

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Episode 6

An interview with Dr. Joy Miller, co-founder and owner of the Women's Lifestyle Show, which is celebrating 20 years.


Episode 9: Bradley sports: A chat with AD Michael Cross

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tv9 thumb michaelcrossAn interview with Bradley University athletics director Michael Cross about BU sports, from basketball to volleyball and everything in between, and the growing importance of academics.


Episode 5: Wicked at the Civic Center! A chat with Marc Burnett

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Episode 2

An interview with Marc Burnett, director of marketing at the Peoria Civic Center, about "Wicked" and other events at the center.


Episode 8: Comic Capers: A conversation with Mary Simon

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tv8 thumb marysimonAn interview with Mary Simon, the owner of Conklin's Barn II Dinner Theatre in Goodfield about their Christmas show and 2012 season.


Episode 4: State Politics: A conversation with Jehan Gordon

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Episode 2

An interview with Peoria Democrat Jehan Gordon, state representative from the 92nd District, about the current events in Illinois politics.


Episode 7: Tracing history with the Peoria Historical Society

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tv7 thumb leyland-ruppman

An interview with Marilyn Leyland and Walter Ruppman of the Peoria Historical Society about upcoming events.


Episode 1: The Economy with Jim McConoughey

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tv1 thumb mcconougheyThis week we interview Jim McConoughey, CEO of the Heartland Partnership and a student of economic history, about the Peoria-area economy and how it has changed over the last 30 years.