The Peorian


Last updateMon, 15 Jun 2020 10pm

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Knight: Did you smell that kaleidoscope?

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synethesiaI can imagine the response if I write that, as a kid, I sleepwalked and had an imaginary friend.

"No surprise," a Tea Partier may sniff. "Progressives are sleepwalking through the 21st century, and union guys are surrounded by imaginary friends."

But if I mention that I used to explain to my Kindergarten teacher that days of the week were certain...


Frizzi: As the World Stopped Turning

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FRIZZITOONS-911-1This November, the world, especially those of us who lived through it, will remember the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

To many, it's just history book fodder. Just like it was for kids of our generation when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor in 1941. It happened before us so it didn't affect us, except...


Rated PG: Thanking Jay; introducing a new writer

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Just a thought ...

When interviewing concert promoter Jay Goldberg for a preview story for the Budweiser Blues Fest last weekend, it dawned on me that this area owes quite a "thank you" to this dude from Pekin.

Think about it: Three of this region's most lucrative events, and by that I mean revenue generators for our hotels, restaurants, bars, and sales tax coffers, started because Jay wanted to do something for the region while...


Knight: Mars is for men...

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Mars-candy-barI'm no "foodie," but I'm fond of certain treats and, even when I don't buy something regularly, they remain a favorite.

Memory, it turns out, lasts longer than marketing or manufacturing.

Sometime between baseball season winding down and Christmastime gearing up, I tend to indulge my sweet tooth. Maybe it's Imminent Halloween. Maybe my...


Sen. LaHood hosting event for seniors

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darinState Sen. Darin LaHood (R-Dunlap) will host a free Citizens Utility Board (CUB) and senior fraud prevention clinic at Lutheran Hillside Village in Peoria on Sept. 4, from 10 a.m. to noon.

All interested senior citizens in the Peoria area are invited to attend to receive information about fraud prevention strategies and ways to save money on telephone,...


Frizzi: Ain't It a Small, Small World?

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vincennes2Like the Disney song says, "It's a small world after all." The mere mention of that song will have it play over and over in your head just as if you've spent a whole day at Disneyland.

But, it's true, especially in a time where people move from town to town and state to state. So, it's somewhat of an unexpected shock to see a person from your distant...


Knight column: Regarding concealed carry...

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In the last week or so, Florida vigilante George Zimmerman was excused for his shooting and killing an unarmed youth, Illinois lawmakers overrode Gov. Quinn's pocket veto and enacted a concealed-carry law, and the Illinois Rifle Association filed suit because concealed-carry isn't happening fast enough for it.

Feel safer?

Me neither.
